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model Directory Reference

Interfaces for the SketchUp model.



file  arccurve.h
 Interfaces for SUArcCurveRef.
file  arrow_type.h
 Interfaces for SUArrowType.
file  attribute_dictionary.h
 Interfaces for SUAttributeDictionaryRef.
file  axes.h
 Interfaces for SUAxesRef.
file  camera.h
 Interfaces for SUCameraRef.
file  classification_attribute.h
 Interfaces for SUClassificationAttributeRef.
file  classification_info.h
 Interfaces for SUClassificationInfoRef.
file  classifications.h
 Interfaces for SUClassificationsRef.
file  component_definition.h
 Interfaces for SUComponentDefinitionRef.
file  component_instance.h
 Interfaces for SUComponentInstanceRef.
file  curve.h
 Interfaces for SUCurveRef.
file  defs.h
 Types related to the SketchUp model.
file  dimension.h
 Interfaces for SUDimensionRef.
file  dimension_linear.h
 Interfaces for SUDimensionLinearRef.
file  dimension_radial.h
 Interfaces for SUDimensionRadialRef.
file  dimension_style.h
 Interfaces for SUDimensionStyleRef.
file  drawing_element.h
 Interfaces for SUDrawingElementRef.
file  dynamic_component_attribute.h
 Interfaces for SUDynamicComponentAttributeRef.
file  dynamic_component_info.h
 Interfaces for SUDynamicComponentInfoRef.
file  edge.h
 Interfaces for SUEdgeRef.
file  edge_use.h
 Interfaces for SUEdgeUseRef.
file  entities.h
 Interfaces for SUEntitiesRef.
file  entity.h
 Interfaces for SUEntityRef.
file  entity_list.h
 Interfaces for SUEntityListRef.
file  entity_list_iterator.h
 Interfaces for SUEntityListIteratorRef.
file  face.h
 Interfaces for SUFaceRef.
file  font.h
 Interfaces for SUFontRef.
file  geometry.h
 Deprecated, don't use.
file  geometry_input.h
 Interfaces for SUGeometryInputRef.
file  group.h
 Interfaces for SUGroupRef.
file  guide_line.h
 Interfaces for SUGuideLineRef.
file  guide_point.h
 Interfaces for SUGuidePointRef.
file  image.h
 Interfaces for SUImageRef.
file  image_rep.h
 Interfaces for SUImageRepRef.
file  instancepath.h
 Interfaces for SUInstancePathRef.
file  layer.h
 Interfaces for SULayerRef.
file  layer_folder.h
 Interfaces for SULayerFolderRef.
file  line_style.h
 Interfaces for SULineStyleRef.
file  line_styles.h
 Interfaces for SULineStylesRef.
file  location.h
 Interfaces for SULocationRef.
file  loop.h
 Interfaces for SULoopRef.
file  material.h
 Interfaces for SUMaterialRef.
file  mesh_helper.h
 Interfaces for SUMeshHelperRef.
file  model.h
 Interfaces for SUModelRef.
file  opening.h
 Interfaces for SUOpeningRef.
file  options_manager.h
 Interfaces for SUOptionsManagerRef.
file  options_provider.h
 Interfaces for SUOptionsProviderRef.
file  polyline3d.h
 Interfaces for SUPolyline3dRef.
file  rendering_options.h
 Interfaces for SURenderingOptionsRef.
file  scene.h
 Interfaces for SUSceneRef.
file  schema.h
 Interfaces for SUSchemaRef.
file  schema_type.h
 Interfaces for SUSchemaTypeRef.
file  section_plane.h
 Interfaces for SUSectionPlaneRef.
file  selection.h
 Interfaces for SUSelectionRef.
file  shadow_info.h
 Interfaces for SUShadowInfoRef.
file  skp.h
 Interfaces for reading metadata from SketchUp files without loading the whole file.
file  style.h
 Interfaces for SUStyleRef.
file  styles.h
 Interfaces for SUStylesRef.
file  text.h
 Interfaces for SUTextRef.
file  texture.h
 Interfaces for SUTextureRef.
file  texture_writer.h
 Interfaces for SUTextureWriterRef.
file  typed_value.h
 Interfaces for SUTypedValueRef.
file  uv_helper.h
 Interfaces for SUUVHelperRef.
file  vertex.h
 Interfaces for SUVertexRef.

Detailed Description

Interfaces for the SketchUp model.