(Note that these are not member functions.)
enum SUResult | SUFontGetFaceName (SUFontRef font, SUStringRef *name) |
| Retrieves the face name of a font object. More...
enum SUResult | SUFontGetPointSize (SUFontRef font, size_t *size) |
| Retrieves a font's point size. More...
enum SUResult | SUFontGetBold (SUFontRef font, bool *is_bold) |
| Retrieves a boolean indicating whether the font is bold. More...
enum SUResult | SUFontGetItalic (SUFontRef font, bool *is_italic) |
| Retrieves a boolean indicating whether the font is italic. More...
enum SUResult | SUFontGetUseWorldSize (SUFontRef font, bool *use_world_size) |
| Retrieves a boolean indicating whether the size of the font is defined as a height in world space. A false value indicates that the font size is defined in points (i.e. in screen space). More...
enum SUResult | SUFontGetWorldSize (SUFontRef font, double *world_size) |
| Retrieves the height of the font in inches when the font size is defined as a height in world space. That is, when SUFontGetUseWorldSize() returns true. More...
SUEntityRef | SUFontToEntity (SUFontRef font) |
| Converts from an SUFontRef to an SUEntityRef. This is essentially an upcast operation. More...
SUFontRef | SUFontFromEntity (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Converts from an SUEntityRef to an SUFontRef. This is essentially a downcast operation so the given entity must be convertible to an SUFontRef. More...
enum SURefType | SUEntityGetType (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Returns the concrete type of the given entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetID (SUEntityRef entity, int32_t *entity_id) |
| Retrieves the id of the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetPersistentID (SUEntityRef entity, int64_t *entity_pid) |
| Retrieves the persistent id of the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetNumAttributeDictionaries (SUEntityRef entity, size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the number of attribute dictionaries of an entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetAttributeDictionaries (SUEntityRef entity, size_t len, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionaries[], size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the attribute dictionaries of an entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityAddAttributeDictionary (SUEntityRef entity, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionary) |
| Adds the attribute dictionary to an entity. The given dictionary object must not belong to another entity. In other words, each dictionary should be added to one entity only. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetAttributeDictionary (SUEntityRef entity, const char *name, SUAttributeDictionaryRef *dictionary) |
| Retrieves the attribute dictionary of an entity that has the given name. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetModel (SUEntityRef entity, SUModelRef *model) |
| Retrieves the model object associated with the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetParentEntities (SUEntityRef entity, SUEntitiesRef *entities) |
| Retrieves the entities object which contains the entity. More...