(Note that these are not member functions.)
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetFont (SUDimensionStyleRef style, SUFontRef *font) |
| Retrieves the font of a dimension style object. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGet3D (SUDimensionStyleRef style, bool *has_3d) |
| Retrieves whether the dimension style has 3D text. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetArrowType (SUDimensionStyleRef style, enum SUArrowType *type) |
| Retrieves a enum value indicating the arrow type specified by the dimension style. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetArrowSize (SUDimensionStyleRef style, size_t *size) |
| Retrieves the arrow size specified by the dimension style. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetColor (SUDimensionStyleRef style, SUColor *color) |
| Retrieves the color specified by the dimension style. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetTextColor (SUDimensionStyleRef style, SUColor *color) |
| Retrieves the text color specified by the dimension style. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetExtensionLineOffset (SUDimensionStyleRef style, size_t *offset) |
| Retrieves the dimension style's extension line offset. The offset specifies the gap between the connection points' locations and the dimension leader lines. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetExtensionLineOvershoot (SUDimensionStyleRef style, size_t *overshoot) |
| Retrieves the dimension style's extension line overshoot. The overshoot specifies distance that the dimension leader lines overshoot the point where they connect with the arrows. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetLineWeight (SUDimensionStyleRef style, size_t *weight) |
| Retrieves the line weight specified by the dimension style. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetHighlightNonAssociativeDimensions (SUDimensionStyleRef style, bool *highlight) |
| Retrieves whether the dimension style specifies non-associative dimensions (including edited text) be highlighted in a color which can be retrieved with SUDimensionStyleGetHighlightNonAssociativeDimensionsColor. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetHighlightNonAssociativeDimensionsColor (SUDimensionStyleRef style, SUColor *color) |
| Retrieves the non-associative dimensions highlight color specified by the dimension style. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetShowRadialPrefix (SUDimensionStyleRef style, bool *show) |
| Retrieves whether the dimension style specifies that radius/diameter prefixes be displayed on radial dimensions. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetHideOutOfPlane (SUDimensionStyleRef style, bool *hide) |
| Retrieves whether the dimension style specifies that out of plane dimensions (dimensions which are not parallel to the view plane) be hidden. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetHideOutOfPlaneValue (SUDimensionStyleRef style, double *tolerance) |
| Retrieves the dimension style's parameter specifying out of plane tolerance for hiding dimensions. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetHideSmall (SUDimensionStyleRef style, bool *hide) |
| Retrieves whether the dimension style specifies that small dimensions be hidden. More...
enum SUResult | SUDimensionStyleGetHideSmallValue (SUDimensionStyleRef style, double *tolerance) |
| Retrieves the minimum size under which dimensions will be hidden if SUDimensionStyleGetHideSmall returns true. More...
A dimension style reference.
- Since
- SketchUp 2017, API 5.0