(Note that these are not member functions.)
SUEntityRef | SUTextToEntity (SUTextRef text) |
| Converts from an SUTextRef to an SUEntityRef. This is essentially an upcast operation. More...
SUTextRef | SUTextFromEntity (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Converts from an SUEntityRef to an SUTextRef. This is essentially a downcast operation so the given SUEntityRef must be convertible to an SUTextRef. More...
SUDrawingElementRef | SUTextToDrawingElement (SUTextRef text) |
| Converts from an SUTextRef to an SUDrawingElementRef. This is essentially an upcast operation. More...
SUTextRef | SUTextFromDrawingElement (SUDrawingElementRef element) |
| Converts from an SUDrawingElementRef to an SUTextRef. This is essentially a downcast operation so the given SUDrawingElementRef must be convertible to an SUTextRef. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextCreate (SUTextRef *text) |
| Creates a text edge object. The text object must be subsequently deallocated with SUTextRelease() unless the text object is associated with a parent object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextRelease (SUTextRef *text) |
| Releases a text object. The text object must have been created with SUTextCreate() and not subsequently associated with a parent object (e.g. SUEntitiesAddTexts()). More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetString (SUTextRef text, const char *string) |
| Sets the string to the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetString (SUTextRef text, SUStringRef *string) |
| Retrieves the string from the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetFont (SUTextRef text, SUFontRef font) |
| Sets the font to the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetFont (SUTextRef text, SUFontRef *font) |
| Retrieves the font from the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetLeaderType (SUTextRef text, enum SUTextLeaderType leader) |
| Sets the leader type to the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetLeaderType (SUTextRef text, enum SUTextLeaderType *leader) |
| Retrieves the leader type from the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetArrowType (SUTextRef text, enum SUArrowType arrow_type) |
| Sets the arrow type to the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetArrowType (SUTextRef text, enum SUArrowType *arrow_type) |
| Retrieves the arrow type from the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetPoint (SUTextRef text, const struct SUPoint3D *point, SUInstancePathRef path) |
| Sets the connection point of a text object. A text's connection point can be set in a few different ways. In the simplest form a connection point can be set to an arbitrary point in space by providing a non-null SUPoint3D and an invalid SUInstancePathRef. The more complex forms to connect the point to a position on an entity in the model by providing a valid SUInstancePathRef which refers to an existing model entity. In the more complex forms the input SUPoint3D must be non-null for all connectable entity types except for vertices and guide points, in which case the SUPoint3D argument may be null as it will be ignored. It should be noted that when changing a text's connection point the other point may need to be adjusted as well. Users may want to verify the other connection point after setting this one. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetPoint (SUTextRef text, struct SUPoint3D *point, SUInstancePathRef *path) |
| Retrieves the point associated with the text object. The given instance path object either must have been constructed using one of the SUInstancePathCreate* functions or it will be generated on the fly if it is invalid. It must be released using SUInstancePathRelease() when it is no longer needed. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetLeaderVector (SUTextRef text, const struct SUVector3D *vector) |
| Sets the leader vector associated with the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetLeaderVector (SUTextRef text, struct SUVector3D *vector) |
| Retrieves the leader vector associated with the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetColor (SUTextRef text, const SUColor *color) |
| Sets the color to the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetColor (SUTextRef text, SUColor *color) |
| Retrieves the color from the text object. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextSetScreenPosition (SUTextRef text, const double percent_x, const double percent_y) |
| Sets the screen position for text with no leader. More...
enum SUResult | SUTextGetScreenPosition (SUTextRef text, double *percent_x, double *percent_y) |
| Retrieves the screen location for text with no leader. More...
SUEntityRef | SUDrawingElementToEntity (SUDrawingElementRef elem) |
| Converts from an SUDrawingElementRef to an SUEntityRef. This is essentially an upcast operation. More...
SUDrawingElementRef | SUDrawingElementFromEntity (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Converts from an SUEntityRef to an SUDrawingElementRef. This is essentially a downcast operation so the given entity must be convertible to a drawing element. More...
enum SURefType | SUDrawingElementGetType (SUDrawingElementRef elem) |
| Returns the concrete type of the given drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementGetBoundingBox (SUDrawingElementRef elem, struct SUBoundingBox3D *bbox) |
| Retrieves the bounding box of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementGetMaterial (SUDrawingElementRef elem, SUMaterialRef *material) |
| Retrieves the material object of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementSetMaterial (SUDrawingElementRef elem, SUMaterialRef material) |
| Sets the material of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementGetLayer (SUDrawingElementRef elem, SULayerRef *layer) |
| Retrieves the layer object associated with a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementSetLayer (SUDrawingElementRef elem, SULayerRef layer) |
| Sets the layer object to be associated with a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementSetHidden (SUDrawingElementRef elem, bool hide_flag) |
| Sets the hide flag of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementGetHidden (SUDrawingElementRef elem, bool *hide_flag) |
| Retrieves the hide flag of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementSetCastsShadows (SUDrawingElementRef elem, bool casts_shadows_flag) |
| Sets the casts shadows flag of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementGetCastsShadows (SUDrawingElementRef elem, bool *casts_shadows_flag) |
| Retrieves the casts shadows flag of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementSetReceivesShadows (SUDrawingElementRef elem, bool receives_shadows_flag) |
| Sets the receives shadows flag of a drawing element. More...
enum SUResult | SUDrawingElementGetReceivesShadows (SUDrawingElementRef elem, bool *receives_shadows_flag) |
| Retrieves the receives shadows flag of a drawing element. More...
enum SURefType | SUEntityGetType (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Returns the concrete type of the given entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetID (SUEntityRef entity, int32_t *entity_id) |
| Retrieves the id of the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetPersistentID (SUEntityRef entity, int64_t *entity_pid) |
| Retrieves the persistent id of the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetNumAttributeDictionaries (SUEntityRef entity, size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the number of attribute dictionaries of an entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetAttributeDictionaries (SUEntityRef entity, size_t len, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionaries[], size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the attribute dictionaries of an entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityAddAttributeDictionary (SUEntityRef entity, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionary) |
| Adds the attribute dictionary to an entity. The given dictionary object must not belong to another entity. In other words, each dictionary should be added to one entity only. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetAttributeDictionary (SUEntityRef entity, const char *name, SUAttributeDictionaryRef *dictionary) |
| Retrieves the attribute dictionary of an entity that has the given name. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetModel (SUEntityRef entity, SUModelRef *model) |
| Retrieves the model object associated with the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetParentEntities (SUEntityRef entity, SUEntitiesRef *entities) |
| Retrieves the entities object which contains the entity. More...