LayOut C API
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |o*application.hInterfaces for usage within the SketchUp application
 |\*ruby_api.hInterfaces for exchanging data between SketchUp's Ruby API and C API
 |o*bounding_box.hInterfaces for SUBoundingBox3D
 |o*plane3d.hInterfaces for SUPlane3D
 |o*point2d.hInterfaces for SUPoint2D
 |o*point3d.hInterfaces for SUPoint3D
 |o*ray3d.hInterfaces for SURay3D
 |o*transformation.hInterfaces for SUTransformation
 |o*transformation2d.hInterfaces for SUTransformation2D
 |o*vector2d.hInterfaces for SUVector2D
 |\*vector3d.hInterfaces for SUVector3D
 |\*math_helpers.hInterfaces for comparing values with tolerances
 o*color.hInterfaces for SUColor
 o*common.hGeneric interfaces for the API types
 o*defs.hGeneral types for the API
 o*geometry.hDefine types for geometric operations
 o*length_formatter.hInterfaces for SULengthFormatterRef
 \*unicodestring.hInterfaces for SUStringRef