LOAngularDimensionRef | References an angular dimension entity. An angular dimension is composed of the following sub-entities: |
LOApplicationRef | Encapsulates a LayOut application |
LOAutoTextDefinitionListRef | References an ordered, indexable list of LOAutoTextDefinitionRef objects |
LOAutoTextDefinitionRef | References an auto text definition |
LOAxisAlignedRect2D | Represents a 2D rectangle that is aligned with the X and Y axis of the coordinate system |
LOConnectionPointRef | References a connection point. A connection point defines a target point to which a label or dimension can connect |
LODictionaryRef | References a dictionary. A dictionary maps string keys to LOTypedValueRef values |
LODocumentRef | References a LayOut document |
LOEllipseRef | References a simple elliptical shape entity |
LOEntityIteratorRef | References an iterator for LOEntityRef objects |
LOEntityListRef | References an ordered, indexable list of LOEntityRef objects |
LOEntityRef | An entity is an object shown on a page of a LayOut document |
LOFormattedTextRef | References a formatted text entity |
LOGridRef | References a document's grid settings |
LOGroupRef | References a group entity. A group is a special type of entity that does not belong to a layer and contains other entities as children. A group's children may include other groups, allowing for a hierarchical tree structure of entities. A group must contain at least one child and will be automatically collapsed if an operation is performed that results in the group being empty |
LOImageRef | References a raster image entity |
LOImageRepRef | References the bitmap representation for a raster image |
LOLabelRef | References a label entity. A label consists of the label text (formatted text entity) and the label leader (path entity). A label may be connected to another entity via a LOConnectionPointRef object |
LOLayerInstanceRef | References a layer instance. A layer instance provides access to the entities that are drawn on a given layer, as well as the draw order of those entities. Groups are not included in the list of entities associated with a layer instance, since the group hierarchy has no effect on entity draw order. Each page has one layer instance for each layer in the document. Non-shared layer instances are unique per page, while shared layer instances are shared across all pages of the document |
LOLayerListRef | References an ordered, indexable list of LOLayerRef objects |
LOLayerRef | References a layer definition. A layer definition specifies the document-wide information about a layer. To access the entities on a layer for a given page, use LOLayerInstanceRef |
LOLinearDimensionRef | References a linear dimension entity. A linear dimension is composed of the following sub-entities: |
LOOrientedRect2D | Represents a 2D rectangle that might be rotated. Each corner of the rectangle is represented by a separate 2D point |
LOPageInfoRef | References the page information for a document. This specifies the physical page dimensions and other page-related settings for a document |
LOPageListRef | References an ordered, indexable list of LOPageRef objects |
LOPageRef | References a single page in a document |
LOPathRef | References a path entity. A path entity represents a continuous, multi-segment polyline or Bezier curve |
LORect2D | Represents a 2D rectangle |
LORectangleRef | References a simple rectangular shape entity |
LOSketchUpModelRef | References a SketchUp model viewport entity |
LOStyleRef | References a collection of style attributes that determine the visual appearance of entities. Style attributes are those attributes which the user can manipulate in LayOut's inspector windows. For example, shape style attributes that define stroke and fill, or text style attributes that define the font for formatted text. The document maintains a default style for various types of entities, and it is possible to apply the style of one entity to another. LOStyleRef objects are transient and do not belong to a document |
LOTableRef | References a table. A table is a series of rows and columns that holds data |
LOTransformMatrix2D | 2x3 matrix for representing 2D transforms on LayOut entities. The matrix is stored in column-major format: |
LOTypedValueRef | References a variant object used to represent a value of an arbitrary type |
SUAxisAlignedRect2D | Represents a 2D rectangle that is aligned with the X and Y axis of the coordinate system |
SUBoundingBox3D | Represents a 3D axis-aligned bounding box represented by the extreme diagonal corner points with minimum and maximum x,y,z coordinates |
SUColor | Stores a RGBA color with 8 bit channels |
SULengthFormatterRef | References a length formatter object. Length formatters are used to generate formatted strings (optionally with units) from length, area, and volume values. Additionally length formatters can be used to translate a formatted length/area/volume string into a value. Accessors and setters are exposed for some of the key formatting properties, facilitating customization of the formater. In cases when users want the formatter to reflect the properties of a model, SUModelGetLengthFormatter should be used to more efficiently extract/copy the relevant properties from the model to the formatter |
SUPlane3D | Represents a 3D plane by the parameters a, b, c, d. For any point on the plane, ax + by + cz + d = 0. The coeficients are normalized so that a*a + b*b + c*c = 1 |
SUPoint2D | Represents a point in 2-dimensional space |
SUPoint3D | Represents a point in 3-dimensional space |
SURay3D | Represents a 3D ray defined by a point and normal vector |
SUStringRef | Stores a Unicode string for use as output string parameters in the API |
SUTransformation | Represents a 3D (4x4) geometric transformation matrix |
SUTransformation2D | Represents a 2D (2x3) affine transformation matrix. The matrix is stored in column-major format: |
SUVector2D | Represents a vector in 2-dimensional space |
SUVector3D | Represents a vector in 3-dimensional space |