References a length formatter object. Length formatters are used to generate formatted strings (optionally with units) from length, area, and volume values. Additionally length formatters can be used to translate a formatted length/area/volume string into a value. Accessors and setters are exposed for some of the key formatting properties, facilitating customization of the formater. In cases when users want the formatter to reflect the properties of a model, SUModelGetLengthFormatter should be used to more efficiently extract/copy the relevant properties from the model to the formatter.
(Note that these are not member functions.)
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterCreate (SULengthFormatterRef *formatter) |
| Creates a new length formatter with default properties. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterRelease (SULengthFormatterRef *formatter) |
| Releases a length formatter object. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetPrecision (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, size_t *precision) |
| Retrieves the precision of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetPrecision (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, size_t precision) |
| Sets the precision of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetAreaPrecision (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, size_t *precision) |
| Retrieves the area precision of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetAreaPrecision (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, size_t precision) |
| Sets the area precision of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetVolumePrecision (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, size_t *precision) |
| Retrieves the volume precision of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetVolumePrecision (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, size_t precision) |
| Sets the volume precision of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetFormat (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SULengthFormatType *format) |
| Retrieves the format of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetFormat (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SULengthFormatType format) |
| Sets the format of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SULengthUnitType *units) |
| Retrieves the units of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetAreaUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SUAreaUnitType *units) |
| Retrieves the area units of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetVolumeUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SUVolumeUnitType *units) |
| Retrieves the volume units of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SULengthUnitType units) |
| Sets the units of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetAreaUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SUAreaUnitType units) |
| Sets the area units of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetVolumeUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, enum SUVolumeUnitType units) |
| Sets the volume units of a length formatter. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetSuppressUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, bool *suppress) |
| Retrieves whether units are suppressed. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetSuppressUnits (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, bool suppress) |
| Sets whether units are suppressed. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetLengthString (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, double length, bool strip, SUStringRef *string) |
| Retrieves a formatted length string from the provided length value. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetAreaString (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, double area, SUStringRef *string) |
| Retrieves a formatted area string from the provided area value. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetVolumeString (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, double volume, SUStringRef *string) |
| Retrieves a formatted volume string from the provided volume value. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterParseString (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, SUStringRef string, double *value) |
| Parses a formatted length string getting the numeric value. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterSetForceInchDisplay (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, bool force_inch) |
| Force the display of Architectural inches even if the value is zero. More...
enum SUResult | SULengthFormatterGetForceInchDisplay (SULengthFormatterRef formatter, bool *force_inch) |
| Determine if Architectural inches will display even if the value is zero. More...
References a length formatter object. Length formatters are used to generate formatted strings (optionally with units) from length, area, and volume values. Additionally length formatters can be used to translate a formatted length/area/volume string into a value. Accessors and setters are exposed for some of the key formatting properties, facilitating customization of the formater. In cases when users want the formatter to reflect the properties of a model, SUModelGetLengthFormatter should be used to more efficiently extract/copy the relevant properties from the model to the formatter.
- Since
- SketchUp 2018, API 6.0